Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 9 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 10 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 7 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 8 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 5 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 6 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 3 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 4 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 1 of 28

Ahmad Deedat vs Anis Shorrosh... Debate Quran or the Bible Q and A Session 2 of 28

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Yusuf Estes Embrance Islam

Yusuf Estes Embraces Islam Full Version

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 1/7

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 2/7

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 3/7

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 4/7

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 5/7

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 6/7

Yusuf Estes - Science proves Quran is from Allah 7/7

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Dr. Maurice Bucaille. Why I Embraced Islam.

Why I Embraced Islam?

Dr. Maurice Bucaille is a surgeon by profession. He is also a renowned scholar. In order to be able to read Quran in its original text and to study its meaning and purport through direct access to its early and modern commentaries, he devoted himself to the learning of Arabic language at the ripe age of fifty.

Thereafter, he made a beginning by trying to reconcile proven scientific truths with religious axioms. As a result of these studies, he wrote his famous book "QURAN, BIBLE AND SCIENCE" in 1976, which caused a furor in high academic circles - particularly in the Christian world.

After a deeper study of Islam and the Quran, he has authored another book titled, "THE ORIGIN OF MAN". It comprised Quranic explanations of some of the queries raised much earlier than the period when those queries were logically and satisfactorily resolved by scientific experimentation, to be fully in conformity with the explanations provided by Quran about 1500 years before. The Church acknowledged and accepted these researches of Dr. Bucaille to be a valuable contribution to human knowledge and the author became famous all over the world, like Cambridge, and Oxford Universities in U.K. & Yale and Harvard in USA. He was invited to give Extension Lectures in their academic institutions. By dint of his Quranic thought, and by virtue of his unprejudiced and realistic approach to Quranic thought, and by virtue of his unprejudiced and realistic discussion and research work, Dr. Bucaille has converted a number of high ranking scholars to agree with him and to subscribe to his view that the Quran is a Divine Book, not authored by any human being and actually a Book of Revelations from Almighty God to His Last Prophet, Mohammed, Peace Be Upon Him.

M. Bucaille is of the view that his findings in this behalf are a cause of consternation and chagrin to Western scholars because of their earlier exposure to false and fictitious propaganda against Islam and its Prophet (S.A.W.), by the Christian clergy and by biased Western writers and authors. This misguided class of people could not believe that Quran was the only Scripture which had remained sacrosanct and free from all additions, alterations and interpolations and consequently it still retained the purity to guide mankind in all ages, places and in every conceivable crisis.

For over 1400 years it has been the only treasure house of ecclesiastical and cosmic knowledge about the universe and life itself. Mankind has not yet to progress and proceed to a stage where it can fully be au fait with all the pearls and gems of wisdom and truth, garnered in its bosom by this miracle of literacy, excellence and academic purity which could not be matched even in one small sentence by the literary giants of yore, in spite of an open challenge to this effect.

Q: What urged you so forcefully to undertake a study of the Quran and other scriptures, and why?
A: Like all other Frenchmen, I was also initially of the view that Islam was a religion conceived and introduced by a genius and a remarkable man of great intellect, known by the name of Mohammed (S.A.W.). Fifty years ago, by the Grace of God, I became professionally qualified to practice as a surgeon, and used to discuss and compare (views on) Islam and Christianity with my patients who came to consult me (and with my co-professionals). I was told by some of them that my knowledge of Islam and about its discipline was to a great extent misconceived and mistaken. In the beginning I was inclined to doubt them, but now and then some people produced actual and original Quranic Verses in contradiction of my references, and I was compelled to revise my conclusions. And, as a result of this revision and review, I felt that they were right and I was wrong.
I found that those who had been my teachers had a wrong approach to the problem and had imparted incorrect information to me. My knowledge of Islam, until then, had been restricted to Radio and T.V. reviews, articles published in various magazines and reproduced in biased treatise books. But I was perplexed; what should I do? How should I amend my position and rectify my understanding?

Q: When did this happen?
A: After the 8th Vatican Conference but before the birth of a tolerant attitude on the part of European scholars gravitating to unbiased thought, i.e. before 1926, when the cleavage between Muslims and Christian scholars was at its zenith and there was no prospect of a direct dialogue between them.

Q: How did you react to this situation?
A: There was only one road open to me then, that of learning Arabic language so that I could study the Holy Book, Quran, in its original form and try to get at its meaning directly. I devoted the next two years to this task when I had acquired enough knowledge of Arabic (in language and literature) to be able to make a dependable study of the Quran faithfully as well as academically.

Q: And how did this benefit you?
A: I knew then that the Quran was the "Work of Allah" and had not been authored by any human being. I was also convinced that Mohammed (S.A.W.) was a true Prophet of God.

Q: The world is now celebrating the first centenary of Darwin, do you subscribe to Darwinian theory or disagree with it?
A: No Sir, I oppose it vehemently. Darwin's theory is totally based on a misconception and is not at all the outcome of such a scientific research as could prove that there exists the slightest relation between man and the theory of evolution of species as propounded by him. In fact his views are nothing but the misguided and misconceived calculations of a purely materialistic mind. My latest book (Origin of Man) contains a comprehensive "Rebuttal Article" on Darwin and his views.

Q: Are you of the opinion that Darwin was aware of his error?
A: Yes, I think he knew the error he committed. The scholars, who are fond of materialism, have propounded innumerable theories, mostly incorrect, and the fun of it is that they are aware of their fallacies. However, being materialist, they stick to their wrong attitude. In my book I have criticized some of these scholars, several of whom are Nobel Prize winners.

Q: Do you think your writings have had direct repercussion on people outside France?
A: Yes, Recently, only a few days ago, I visited Northern and Western African countries, where I was repeatedly called upon to address innumerable gatherings of educated persons including scholars, on the Origin of Man and about my first book: the Quran, Bible and Science. I was closely cross- examined about my views by some of the most qualified, even hostile, elements. Following this, countless students and scholars contacted and congratulated me. They declared that after listening to me, they had, for the first time, been able to feel convinced of the truth of the Quranic statements about the creation of universe and origin of man. Some of them frankly admitted that my writings and lectures had restored in them a firm certainty of belief and faith and converted them into True Muslims, who actually felt solace and pleasure now in saying their "prayers". They declared that the element of doubt and dilly-dalliance in faith was entirely due to the misconceived theories of some of these so-called Western scholars whose theories had been adopted as gospel truth.

Q: What is the verdict of Science on Man; and why this conflict between Science and Religion on this score?
A: In my book, "Origin of Man", I have endeavored to explain what is dubious and what is proved according to scientific findings. I have also dealt with the theories formerly supported by scholars, but now their very basis is being demolished and proved to be without sound scientific footing. In 1851, Darwin published his first book, "Origin of Species". In it he has pointed out that "All animals can procreate amongst themselves", but he did not take the trouble to demonstrate and prove scientifically his view that the "Genealogy of Man" extends up to monkey.

Q: Then who is responsible for propounding this frivolous theory?
A: The fact is that some other people metamorphosing and without statements digesting his theories, assigned wrong statements to Darwin, which comprised the assumption that "Man has evolved from apes". Nevertheless, it is also true that Darwin did not care to contradict such false notions assigned to him as it was in this connection and on this topic that confrontation occurred between the supporters of Darwin and the Clergy, where both the parties roundly abused and maligned each other. That is why it is now essential that a line of demarcation should always be drawn between the results of scientific investigations and arbitrary views of scholars like Darwin.

Q: By such scientific discourses, debates and discussions even Scriptures, are exposed to scientific test resulting in exposing their errors and pin-pointing their weaknesses. As such, may we inquire if you have some across any such anomalies in the Quran, i.e. where its expositions and explanations are in contrast to scientific findings?
A: The Scriptures of non-Muslims have been copied and passed on from generation to generation and through different personalities. The oldest document of this nature is "Jehovah", which was written some time during 9th Century A.D. This book, although not voluminous, is still the most comprehensive document of its kind. The second book (Sacrodotal), although generally treated as Preface to the Bible, came to light in 600 B.C. It deals with the creation of universe and the appearance of Man on earth and the stories narrating the events following it. The Bible comes thereafter, but the books of the "New Testament" do not throw much light on the problem of Man. They repeat the statements of the Old Testament as adopted by St. Luke. Quran made its appearance six hundred years after Jesus and furnished valuable material on Man and his creation which was (and still is) totally lacking in the Old as well as the New Testaments and other Scriptures. What is more important is this context is that unlike the Bible's Old and New Testaments, Quran is completely free from errors and interpolations.

Q: In your opinion, what are the main causes of such plentiful errors in other Scriptures?
A: The compilers of the Holy Scriptures, in their vanity, presumed to have compiled them on the basis of heavenly revelations. But all their efforts were the echoes of their period resounding the thoughts prevalent in that particular environment. They presented the conception of Man and the phenomenon of his creation as if enunciated by God Himself, though it merely reflected the traditions the rite and the perceptions well known and prevalent at that time. This fact is admitted unanimously by all the exegetes of the Bible, be they Roman Catholics or Protestants.

Q: Does the church also admit this fact and subscribe to this view?
A: Yes Sir. The church did accept this truth which was incorporated in the proceedings on the occasion of the second Vatican conference, which was held to declare the "Revolutionary Nature of Old and New Testaments". They admitted that some parts of these Bibles are defective and contradictory in purport.

Q: What are your views about the Quran in this behalf?
A: Now this is a matter of entirely a different nature. All scholars of the Quran are unanimous that the Quran is the "Word of God" as revealed to His Last Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.) through Gabriel (The Holy Ghost). I have studied the Book (Quran) very carefully and have not come across one single instance of scientific fallacy any where in it. On the contrary, I have felt that the (higher) truths and realities inherent in Quranic Text have been, throughout the history of 1400 years, beyond the comprehension of ordinary human beings which in itself, is positive proof that the Quran is the Word of God and it is (at places) beyond intellectual potential of mortal man; be he an excellent scholar or philosopher of the highest caliber, who is not always able to explain the inherent realities of nature as revealed in the Quran. What obviously conflicts with scientific truth is the assumption of the Bible that although life erupted in the form of various species, which have endured, there has been no evolution or improvement in their functions. On the other hand according to the Quran, Man has transgressed through gigantic changes in the course of the entire history of humanity. I felt it very necessary to inform the Christians of the world of this very serious discrepancy in the Bible. As it happen to be impartial, truthful and very outspoken in my studies, I have been repeatedly called upon from time to time to express my views regarding these matters before distinguished gatherings. On all such occasions, I have always dealt with the subject from the scientific point of view, ignoring the ecclesiastic or theological context. Whatever has appeared to be dubious or fit for further investigation, I have tried to put it on the touchstone of criticism and have not allowed to pass it unchallenged.

Q: Have you embraced Islam?
A: I wanted to make it quite clear in the very beginning that even before I learnt the first letter of Bismillah, I was convinced that God was unique and all- powerful and when God guided me to undertake a study of the Quran, my inner soul cried out that Al- Quran was the Word of God revealed to his Last Prophet Mohammed (S.A.W.).
In my book "Quran, Bible and Science," I have mentioned these facts and the book has met with instant success in the entire Christian world. In this book I have devoted myself to discuss all problems from purely academic angle, rather than that of faith or belief which would have revealed only my personal convictions. This was because I desired to be treated by the world as an academician rather than a theologian. About my faith and belief, God knows what is in one's heart. I am convinced that if I identify myself with any creed, people will invariably dub me as one belonging to such and such group and feel that whatever I say or do, I do so from only the angle of such and such creed group. I know my fellow beings very well and understand their mentality only too well. I wanted to assure them that all my pronouncements are based on scientific knowledge and not on any religious dogmas.

Q: This is O.K., but since you have referred to God's complete awareness with what is in one's heart, may we ask what is your opinion about human heart?
A: Heart is not an apparent and perceptible organ of the body. It is the abode of faith and source of eternal light.

Q: What are your views on Islamic mission and its future in the west?
A: The best method is to approach the people through in their own language. I am using the world language in its broadest sense, i.e. comprehensive of all the factors which go to make any language complete and expressive of peoples' views and beliefs. The principles and the regulations towards which you are inviting their attention, should be presented in the style with which you are familiar and which is popular among them. In my book "Quran Bible and Science", I have adopted a new style to acquaint the readers with Quranic truths and to understand the intrinsic value of al-Quran. This unprejudiced and impartial viewpoint of mine gave an impetus to the wide circulation in my books. Firstly, I tried to find out the central point of attention of the Christians and the style that appeals to their common sense. Thereafter I achieved this success. After the publication of these books I received a number of letters from great academicians and research scholars as well as commoners in which they expressed their interest in my study of Al-Quran and appreciated it. They felt satisfied with my views about the Bible and confirmed the fallacies pointed out by me. I once entertained some Christians at home, in which they expressed their astonishment over the literature I produced regarding Islam and inquired the names of exegesis to acquire correct information about it.

Q: What are your activities now?
A: We are now trying to produce a film on "Science, the Quran and the Origin of Man" as a matter of fact I have deep friendly relations with Malaysia. The provincial branch of "Dawa-Islamia" has passed a resolution to produce a film on the Quran and the director of the producing company visited Paris to prepare a plan for it. This film is to be in Technicolor. The duration of its presentation is fifty-five minutes being devoted to the Quran and the history of the facts related to it, the verses of the Quran are depicted in this film. Thus it is of great importance. Six hundred thousand dollars have been collected to produce this film. The preparation of this film has already been started. To begin with it will be produced in five languages, and then it will be extended up to ten. The first print will be in English, then Arabic and French, and thereafter in other languages. It will be circulated throughout the world.

Source: http://www.islamicbulletin.com/newsletters/issue_6/embraced.aspx

Monday, March 23, 2009

How Yusuf Estes & His Family Came to Islam?

How Yusuf Estes & His Family Came to Islam?

Interviewer: "Can you tell us briefly, how did you, your father, wife, children and a Catholic priest all come to Islam?"
Imam Estes: "I would love to. And thanks for giving us the chance to share our story of how we came into Islam."

"To begin, let me mention a bit of my background. I was born in the Midwest to strong Christian parents. We moved to Texas in 1949 and by the time I was 12, I had joined the church and been baptized. Later as a teen, I began playing the accordion, piano and organ. I visited other churches and attended many sermons and played a lot of music.

As I grew older my father and I worked together in many business projects and made millions of dollars, but could not find the peace of mind that can only come through knowing the truth and finding the real plan of salvation.

Then one day in 1991, my dad began doing business with a man from Egypt (Mohamed Abdel Rahman) and told me that he wanted me to meet him. But I was shocked when my father mentioned that this man was a 'Moslem.'

I said, "Dad, these guys are terrorists, hijackers, kidnappers and who knows what else?
Dad assured me he was a very nice person and I had nothing to worry about. I agreed to meeting, but only on my terms. I had to be coming directly from church, on Sunday, with my Bible, cross and cap that said, "Jesus is Lord!" As soon as we were introduced, I asked Mohamed - "Do you believe in God?"
He said,"Yes." (Good!)
Then I said, "Do you believe in Adam and Eve?"
He said, "Yes."
I said, "What about Abraham? You believe in him and how he tried to sacrifice his son for God?"
He said, "Yes."
Then I asked, "What about Moses?" "Ten Commandments?" "Parting the Red Sea?"
Again he said, "Yes."
I asked, "What about the other prophets, David, Solomon and John the Baptist?"
He said, "Yes."
I asked. "Do you believe in the Bible?"
Again, he said. "Yes."
So, now it was time for the big question:
"Do you believe in Jesus? That he was the Messiah (Christ) of God?"
Again he says, "Yes. I do."
Well, now! This was going to be easier than I had thought. He was about to be baptized only he didn't know it, yet. (And I was just the one to do it, too)
Then he said he would become a Christian, if my religion was better than his. But I would have to bring proof. I told him, "Religion is not about proof. It is about faith."
He said, "In Islam, we have both."
I said, "You mean you can prove God really exists?"
He said, "Yes. There is proof in Islam that God exists and that Islam is the way to worship Him."
I was amazed. He seemed so confident and sure of what he was saying. This was not what I was used to. Even preachers have said about many things, "Just have faith." Or they say, "Don't ask. It is a mystery."

I'm sure you have asked yourself the question; "Why did God create me?" or "What is it that God wants me to do?" or "Exactly who is God, anyway?" "Why do we believe in 'original sin?" and "Why would the sons of Adam be forced to accept his 'sins' and then as a result be punished forever. Right?"
"And then there is the concept of the 'Trinity.' If I would ask preachers or ministers to give me some sort of an idea how 'one' could figure out to become 'three'? Or how is it that God, Who can do anything He Wills to do, both in and outside of the universe as we know it, but He cannot just forgive people's sins unless there is blood sacrifice even if He wants to?

So, He has to come down on earth and become a human, and only then is He able to forgive by taking the sins of people by killing Himself on a cross? And keeping in mind that all along He is still God of the whole universe and does as He Wills to do?" All of these were questions I grew up with and didn't really belief in some of the answers.

At one point I recall asking him about the Quran and how many versions of it there were in the last 1,400 years. He told me that there was only ONE QURAN. And that it had never been changed. Yet he let me know that the Quran had been memorized by hundreds of thousands of people, in it's entirety and were scattered about the earth in many different countries. Over the centuries since the Quran was revealed millions have memorized it completely and have taught it to others who have memorized it completely, from cover to cover, letter perfect without mistakes. I came to know that the Muslims believed in the Bible. Again, I was shocked. How could this be?

I learned Islam teaches: "Allah" is the Name of God in Arabic and it is the same 'God' as the God of Abraham, Moses, David, Solomon and Jesus, peace be upon them all.
Islam believes in Jesus as the "Christ" or "Messiah" and he is the Word of God Incarnate, he is the "Logos" (Greek for 'word')

But that's not all, they believe in Jesus as:
• A true messenger of God.
• A prophet of God.
• Miracle birth without human intervention.
• He was the 'Christ' or Messiah as predicted in the Bible.
• He is with God now
• He will be coming back in the Last Days to lead the believers against the 'Antichrist.'
- But he was not God, nor son of God. Rather, he was a mightily messenger and prophet of God with miracles to prove the way of salvation by sacrificing things of this life for a better life in the Hereafter.
I found all of this to be very interesting.

One day the priest asked the Mohamed if he might accompany him to the mosque to see what it was like there. A few more days went by and the Catholic priest asked Mohamed if he might join him again for a trip to the mosque which they did. When they arrived I said to him: "Pete? -- Did you become a 'Moslem?' He said that he had entered into Islam that very day. THE PRIEST BECAME A MUSLIM!! I was really shocked now.

I began to discuss this with my wife and suddenly she told me she wanted a divorce. I was confused and asked her, "Why?"
She said, "A Muslim can't be married to a Christian."
I replied, "I didn't say I want to be a Muslim - and besides, it is a Muslim lady who does not marry a Christian man."
She said, "That is what I am talking about! I want to be a Muslim, too!"
Shocked and confused, I went downstairs and woke up Mohamed and asked him to come outside with me for a discussion. We walked and talked that whole night through. He told me, "This is really about you and God. You need to go down deep into your heart and ask Him."

I went out back behind my father's house and right there I put my head down on the ground facing the direction do when they pray. Now then in that position, with my body stretched out on the plywood and my head on the ground, I asked: "O God. If you are there, guide me, guide me."

And then after a while I raised up my head and I noticed a change inside of me. I was aware now more than ever before that it was time that I really work at being an honest and upright man, doing what God wants and not so much what I want.

I knew now what I had to do. Around 11:00 A.M. that morning, I stood before two witnesses, one the ex-priest, formerly known as Father Peter Jacob's, and the other Mohamed Abel Rehman and announced my 'shahadah' (open testimony to the Oneness of God and the prophethood of Muhammad, peace be upon him).

A few minutes later, my wife followed along and gave the same testimony. But for her there were 3 witnesses (me being the third).

My father was more reserved on the subject and waited a few more months before he made his shahadah (public testimony). But he did finally commit to Islam and began offering prayers right along with me and the other Muslims in the local masjid (mosque).

Our whole house had become Muslim along with a Catholic priest. How? Only from the Guidance of Allah.
For the entire story with all the details Click Here. (http://islamalways.com/yusuf)

Source: http://islam.thetruecall.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=85

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dr. Jeffrey Lang

Mari Hayati Pengembaraan Hamba Allah Ini Menuju Islam

Dr. Jeffrey Lang

“Dad, do you believe in heaven?”

When young Jeffery asked his father about the existence of heaven as they walked their dog along the beach, it was apparent that this child possessed a highly inquisitive mind. There perhaps was also a sign that he would subject things to a logical scrutiny and validate them from a rational perspective. Little surprise was it, then, that one day he would end up being a professor of mathematics, a matter where there is no place for anything but logic.

During his senior years at the Notre Dam Boys High, a Catholic school, he formed certain rational objections against belief in the existence of a Supreme Being. Discussions with the school Priest, his parents, and classmates could not convince him of the existence of God, and to the dismay of the Priest and his parents, he turned into an atheist at the age of eighteen. He was to remain so for the next ten years throughout his undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral studies. It was a little before or after his becoming an atheist that he first saw the following dream:

It was a tiny room with no furniture, and there was nothing on its grayish-white walls. Its only adornment was the predominantly red-and-white patterned carpet that covered the floor. There was a small window, like a basement window, above and facing us, filling the room with bril¬liant light. We were in rows; I was in the third. There were only men, no women, and all of us were sitting on our heels and facing the direction of the window.

It felt foreign. I recognized no one. Perhaps I was in another country. We bowed down uniformly, our faces to the floor. It was serene and quiet, as if all sound had been turned off. All at once, we sat back on our heels. As I looked ahead, I realized that we were being led by someone in front who was off to my left, in the middle, below the window. He stood alone. I only had the briefest glance at his back. He was wearing a long white gown, and on his head was a white scarf with a red design. And that is when I would awaken.

During the next ten years of his atheist life, he was to see the same dream several times. He would not be disturbed by the dream, however, for he would feel strangely comfortable when he awoke. But not knowing what it was, he could not make any sense out of it and thus gave no importance to it despite its repetitions.

Ten years later in his first lecture at the University of San Francisco, he met a Muslim student who attended his mathematics class. He was soon to develop a friendship with him and his family. Religion, however, was not the topic of discussion during the time he shared with that Muslim family, and it was much later that one of the family members handed to him a copy of the Qur’an.

He was not looking for a religion. Nevertheless, he started reading the Qur’an, but with a strong prejudice. “You cannot simply read the Qur’an, not if you take it seriously. You either have surrendered to it already or you fight it. It attacks tenaciously, directly, personally; it debates, criticizes, shames, and challenges. From the outset it draws the line of battle, and I was on the other side.” Thus he found himself in an interesting battle. “I was at a severe disadvantage, for it became clear that the Author knew me better than I knew myself.” It was as if the Author was reading his mind. Every night he would make up certain questions and objections, but would find the answer in his next readings as he continued his readings in the accepted order. “The Qur’an was always way ahead of my thinking; it was erasing barriers I had built years ago and was addressing my queries.” He fought vigorously with objections and questions, but it was apparent that he was loosing the battle. “I was being led, working my way into a corner that contained only one choice.”

It was early 80’s and there were not many Muslims at the University of San Francisco campus. He discovered a small place at the basement of a church where a few Muslim students made their daily prayers. After much struggle in his mind, he came up with enough courage to go and visit that place. When he came out of that place a few hours later, he had already declared the shahada, the proclamation of a new life – “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad is His messenger.”

After he made his proclamation, it was the time for the afternoon prayer and he was invited to participate. He stood up in rows with other students behind a prayer leader named Ghassan, and started following them in prayer –

We bowed down in prostration with our faces on the red-and-white carpet. It was serene and quiet, as if the sound had been turned off. And then we sat back on our heels again.

As I looked ahead, I could see Ghassan, off to my left, in the middle, below the window that was flooding the room with light. He was alone, without a row. He was wearing a long white gown and on his head was a white scarf with a red design.

The dream! I screamed inwardly. The dream exactly! I had forgotten it completely, and now I was stunned and frightened. Am I dreaming? I wondered. Will I awaken? I tried to focus on what was happening to determine whether I was asleep. A rush of cold flowed through my body, making me shudder. My God, this is real! Then the coldness subsided, succeeded by gentle warmth radiating from within. Tears welled up in my eyes.

Everyone’s journey to Islam is unique, varying from one another in many different ways, but Dr. Lang’s is an interesting one. From one who challenged the existence of God, he became a firm believer in God. From a warrior who fought a fierce battler against the Qur’an, he became one who surrendered to it. From one who never knew love and who only wanted to live a comfortable materialistic life until he died and became “long-forgotten soil underneath an unmarked grave”, he turned into one whose life became full of love, mercy, and spiritualism. “God will bring you to your knees, Jeffery!”, said his father when he denied the existence of God at the age of eighteen. Ten years later, that became a reality. He was now on his knees, and his forehead on the ground. The highest part of his body that contained all of his knowledge and intellect was now on the lowest ground in complete submission before the Majesty of God.

Like all Muslim reverts, Dr. Lang felt that he was favored by God’s mercy and that it was God Himself who directed him to Islam. “I perceived that God was always near, directing my life, creating the circumstances and opportunities to choose, yet always leaving the crucial choices to me. I was awestruck by the realization of the intimacy and love that reveals, not because we deserve it, but because it is always there and all we have to do is turn to Him to receive it. I cannot say with certainty what the meaning of that vision was, but I could not help seeing in it a sign, a favor, and a new chance.”

Dr. Lang is author of two books – both make interesting readings and are useful for both Muslim converts and born Muslims to read. He is married with three daughters. It is no surprising that his children shared some of his inquisitive mind. The boy who threw questions at his father, was now a father himself who was to face questions from his children. One day he was confronted by his eight-year-old daughter Jameelah after he finished the noon prayer with her –

“Daddy, why do we pray?”
Her question caught me off guard. I didn’t expect it from an eight year old. I knew of course the most obvious answer—that as Muslims we are obligated to—but I did not want to waste the opportunity to share with her the experience and benefits of salah. Nevertheless, as I tried to put together a reply in my mind, I bought a little time by beginning with, ‘We pray because God wants us to!’

‘But why, daddy, what does praying do?’ she asked.

‘It is hard to explain to a young person, honey. Someday, if you do the five prayers every day, I’m sure you’ll understand, but I’ll do my best to answer your question.’

‘You see, sweetheart. God is the source of all the love, mercy, kindness, and wisdom—of all the beauty—that we experience and feel. Like the sun is the source of the light we see in the daytime, God is the source of all of these and much more. Thus, the love I feel for you, your sisters, and mommy is given to me by God. We know that God is kind and merciful by all the things He has given us in this life. But when we pray, we can feel God’s love, kindness, and mercy in a very special way, in the most powerful way.

For example, you know that mommy and I love you by the way we take care of you. But when we hug you and kiss you, you can really feel how much we love you. In a similar way, we know that God loves and is kind to us by the way He takes care of us. But when we pray, we can feel His love in a very real and special way.’

‘Does praying make you a better daddy?’ She asked me.

‘I hope so and I would like to think so, because once you are touched by God’s love and kindness in the prayer, it is so beautiful and powerful, that you need to share it with those around you, especially your family. Sometimes, after a hard day at work, I feel so exhausted that I just want to be alone. But if I feel God’s kindness and mercy in the prayer, I look at my family and remember what a great gift you are to me, and all the love and happiness I get from being your daddy and mommy’s husband. I’m not say¬ing that I am the perfect father, but I believe I would not be as good a father without the prayers. Am I making any sense at all?’

‘I kind of understand what you mean,’ Jameelah answered.

Then she hugged me and said, ‘And I love you, Daddy!’

‘I love you too, sweetie pie. I love you too.’

Note: Jeffrey Lang is currently an associate professor in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Kansas. In addition to numerous articles, he has written three books that are widely read among American Muslims.

Struggling to Surrender, Beltsville, 1994
Even Angels Ask, Beltsville, 1997
Losing My Religion: A Call for Help, Beltsville, 2004
He gives lectures at various universities as well as at Islamic conferences and conventions.

Source: http://islam.thetruecall.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=180&mode=&order=0&thold=0

Friday, March 13, 2009

Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S.)

Shahadat of 11th Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S.) - 8th Rabi 'Al Awwal

On this tragic and sad occasion we extend our Heartfelt Condolences to all the lovers of Holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.). and to our present Imam, Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Appearance). We also pray that the shrines in Samarra are re-built and that we get the special invitation for Ziyarat.

Name: Hassan
Title: Al-Askari
Designation: 11th Imam
Kunyat: Abu Muhammad
Father: 10th Imam Ali an-Naqi (A.S.)
Mother: Saleel / Hadeesa Khatoon
Born: 8 Rabi 'Al Thaani, 232 AH (846 AD)
Died: 8 Rabi' Al Awwal, 260 AH (874 AD)
Lived: 28 Years
Martyred: Poisoned by Mo'tamad
Buried: Samarra, Iraq
Period of Imamat: 6 Years

Samarra was a garrison town about 60 miles north of Baghdad. River Euphrates flows in the middle of the town, and because of the surrounding hills a cool breeze keeps the area cooler in comparison to Baghdad. The word 'Asker' in Arabic is used for army. Our 11th Imam's title became known as Askari, the one who lived all his life in a garrison town

In spite of the fact that the Imam had never given any cause for concern to the Caliphs of his time, their guilt in this matter was so great that they did not leave these pious personalities in peace. If they had no fear of their throne they were afraid of the excellence and knowledge of the Imams. In the case of Imam Hasan Al-Askari, the same type of jealousy led to the poisoning of the Imam to end this life of a saint whose only activity was to teach Qur'an as the Prophet and his Ahlulbayt taught before him. During the rule of Al-Mu'tamid poison was given to the Imam mixed in some fruit and he died on 8th Rabi Al-Awwal 260 Hijri. He left only one son, whose name was Muhammad who was only five years old when his father died.

During the rule of Al-Mu'tamid poison was given to the Imam mixed in some fruit and he died on 8th Rabi Al-Awwal 260 Hijri. He left only one son, whose name was Muhammad who was only five years old when his father died.

The Caliph Al-Mu'tamid himself attended the funeral prayer. When they all lined up and were ready to commence the prayers, Imam Hasan Al-Askari's brother Jaafar stood in front of the people to lead the prayer. Before he could commence the prayer, a five year old boy came out of the house, went near his uncle. Shook his mantle and told him, "Set aside uncle, only an Imam can lead the funeral prayer of an Imam". His uncle Jaafar stepped aside and this five year old boy lead the prayers. Immediately after the end of the prayer he went inside his house and was not seen by his pursuers, lead by the caliph Mu'tamid himself.

Our Eleventh Imam was buried in the same house where he had died, by the side of his father Imam Ali Naqi (AS). By the passage of time, the place was transformed into a great mausoleum and pilgrims from all over the Islamic lands came to pay their homage to the two Imams of Ahlulbayt who were buried there.

On this tragic and sad occasion we extend our Heartfelt Condolences to all the lovers of Holy Ahlul Bayt(A.S.). and to our present Imam, Imam Al-Mahdi (May Allah Hasten His Appearance). We also pray that the shrines in Samarra are re-built and that we get the special invitation for Ziyarat.

"Fear Allah, be as adornment on behalf of us and be not as shame that defames our name. This is the only way by which others shall be attracted toward us (the Ahlul Bayt of the Holy Prophet s.a.w.)."

- Imam Hassan Al-Askari (A.S.)

May Allah hasten the re appearance of our 12th Imam, Imam Mehdi, and we pray to Allah to give us the faith to be alongside the Imam when he establishes justice in the world...Ameen..

Source: http://sweetshenu.multiply.com/reviews/item/1510

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Islam: Islam Vs Terrorism

Islam: Islam Vs Terrorism

The word "Islam" is closely related to the word "salam or silm" which means peace. Muhammad(pbuh), himself had a very peaceful nature, was extremely tolerant, and highly protective of the non-Muslim minorities living in the Muslim state. However, there are times when states find war inevitable, but Islam only permits war in specific and dire circumstances. It keeps warfare at a level of mercy and respect for the enemy that no other army has been able to reach. The Prophet sometimes had to fight for the mere survival of his people and message, but once their security was ensured, he immediately reverted to peace and diplomacy.

There is a rigid code Muslims must abide by in deciding when they can fight and how the fighting should be conducted. War itself is despised, and is only a last-resort option when all other attempts at peace have been made. A Muslim is never allowed to initiate hostilities.
"And fight in the way of Allah against those who fight against you, but transgress not the limits. Surely, Allah likes not the transgressors."The Holy Qur'an,Chapter 2,Verse 190.

The only times in which believers are allowed to take up arms are when they are defending their own lives and the lives of their people, when they see the weak being oppressed in acts of tyranny, and when they are prohibited from practicing their religion: "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Inviolable Place of Worship until they first attack you there, but if they attack you (there) then slay them. Such is the reward of disbelievers." The Holy Qur'an,Chapter 2, Verse 191.

"They question thee (O Muhammad) with regard to warfare in the sacred month. Say: Warfare therein is a great (transgression), but to turn (men) from the way of Allah, and to disbelieve in Him and in the Inviolable Place of Worship, and to expel His people thence, is a greater with Allah; for persecution is worse than killing. And they will not cease from fighting against you till they have made you renegades from your religion, if they can. And whoso be cometh a renegade and dieth in his disbelief: such are they whose works have fallen both in the world and the Hereafter, Such are rightful owners of the Fire: they will abide therein," The Holy Qur'an,Chapter 2, Verse 217.

Aside from these circumstances, there is no legitimate fighting in Islam.

The conditions placed upon the soldier in battle are of utmost respect for the enemy and for human life. Islam makes a clear distinction between combatants and noncombatants, forbidding soldiers to harm defenseless civilian in any way. The Prophet said: "Do not kill the women, children, aged or the ill." He also prohibited Muslims from harming monks in their monasteries or hermits in their caves. Cutting down trees, destroying livestock, wells, homes or land of the enemy is likewise forbidden. Upon seeing the corpse of a woman in a battlefield, Prophet Muhammad asked his companions why she had been killed, and condemned it. There is no excuse for any expedition or attack resulting in the killing of civilians, no one has the right to take innocent lives.

For those enemies active in combat and those taken prisoner of war, the list of rights is lengthy. There is no torture, no killing of the wounded or defenseless, and the return of corpses to the enemy is honored. There is no mutilation of the enemy bodies. Even after Hind bint Utbah, a powerful lady of Makkah, chewed the liver of the Prophet's uncle, Hamzah, after he was killed in a battle between Muhammad and her non-Muslim people, Muhammad still forbade his men from disrespecting a creation of God in such a way The Prophet commanded the believers to treat the prisoners of war with kindness. One prisoner by the name of Abu Aziz told how surprised he was to see the Muslims giving the better part of their meal-the bread-to the prisoners while they themselves just had dates. "Not a crumb of bread would fall into their hands without them giving it to me," he narrated, "and I would be so embarrassed that I would reject it. But then they would return it back to me." The Qur'an lays down strict guidelines for the declaration of war by a Muslim army, and Muslims are prohibited from breaching any treaty to which they have agreed.

"If you fear treachery from any people throw back (their covenant) to them (so as to be) on equal terms (that there will be no more covenant between you and them), Certainly Allah likes not the treacherous.The Holy Qur'an,Chapter 8,Verse 58.

The extent of the Prophet's mercy can be seen in the Muslim conquest of Makkah, which happened towards the end of his life. The Makkan tribe of Quraish had blatantly violated the significant "Treaty of Hudaybiyya" by supplying men and arms in an effort to attack a Muslim-allied tribe. They had slaughtered ruthlessly, even killing inside the Holy Sanctuary, and knew they could expect retaliation for such a weighty crime. Muhammad, upon learning of the raid, set out for Makkah at the head of a colossal army of 10,000 men. Everyone wondered how he would conduct this expedition; if he wanted revenge for all the mockery, persecution, and murders of his companions, now was certainly the time. His forces humiliatingly outnumbered his enemies. When the army reached the outskirts of Makkah, they came upon the chief of Quraish, the archenemy of Islam, Abu Sufvan. Several Muslims were furious and wished to see him dead, but the noble Prophet received him. Muhammad asked his uncle, Abbas, to take Abu Sufyan ahead to a high gorge-giving him a full view of the Muslim army approaching Makkah. The leader must have felt his heart leap to his throat as he watched group after group, tribe after tribe pass in front of him. Finally, he turned to 'Abbas and asked incredulously, "Oh Abbas! Who are all these people?" Abbas's reply was plain and powerful: "This is the Apostle of Allah and his Companions."

When Abu Sufyan approached the Prophet Muhammad begging for pardon and forgiveness, it was not revenge he heard coming from Muhammad's blessed lips. Instead, the Prophet simply said: "He who takes refuge in Abu Sufyan's house is safe; whosoever confines himself to his house, the people therein will be in safety; and he who enters the Sacred Mosque is safe." With these words Muhammad gave a full pardon and amnesty to the city of Makkah, and it was conquered in peace. To Wahshi, the murderer of Muhammad's uncle Hamzah; a pardon. To Hind, who mutilated his body and chewed his liver, absolute clemency. To Habar, who had attacked the Prophet's daughter so brutally that she eventually died, forgiveness.

After seeing this, the people started to accept Islam in crowds, as long before, God had promised Muhammad they would. " When comes the Help of Allah (to you against your enemies) and conquest (of Makkah), And you see that the people enter Allah's Religion (Islam) in crowds, So glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for His forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives"The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 110,Verse 1-3.

As families were reunited and the Muslims celebrated being back in the sacred city, Muhammad had other things in mind. After offering prayers to God for the victory, he proceeded directly to the House of God, the Ka'bah, that had been polluted by the 360 man-made idols. The Prophet of God proceeded to knock them to the ground with his bow. As he did, he recited the Qur'anic verse: "And Say: Truth (Islamic Monotheism) has come and falsehood (Polythesm) has vanished. Surely! Falsehood is ever-bound to vanish."The Holy Qur'an,Chapter 17,Verse 81.

"Al-Amin" returned to Madinah, where he spent the last years of his extraordinary life in worship and devotion to his Lord. He continued to stand in prayer for hours throughout the night until his ankles were swollen and his wife asked him to stop.
Although he was a ruler of a vast empire in his last years, he continued to sleep on a modest straw mat, with no desire for carpets, or luxuries of any kind. He became ill and passed away in the arms of his wife, Aisha, at the age of 63. He left behind a stunning legacy, a blameless example and a religion that changed the world forever.

Source: http://islam.thetruecall.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=110